mercredi 27 juillet 2016

Why "accepts_nested_attributes_for" is not working?

I have following models


    class Order < ApplicationRecord
         has_many  :items
         accepts_nested_attributes_for :items

and Item

class Item < ApplicationRecord

belongs_to  :order


And I have following Json to parse where an order contains multiple items

  "location": "takeAway",
  "status": "preparing",
  "items": [
      "name": "coffee",
      "quantity": 1,
      "milk": "whole",
      "size": "small"

And I have following code my controller.

 params.require(:order).permit(:location, :status, items_attributes:  [:id, :name, :quantity, :milk, :size])

Why I am not able to save Order records with item records? Can someone please help?

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