vendredi 8 juillet 2016

rails ransack gem to search json column

I have a field as json column and i have to search all the phone values inside that column, i have searched for it and i have not found any document using ransack. Is it possible to use ransaack to search json column? I have used the ransack to search other fields, so i have to use ransack or something that can combine both result

my json column looks like this

{"phone1"=>"", "relationship_type1"=>"", "relationship_name1"=>"", "phone2"=>"", "relationship_type2"=>"", "relationship_name2"=>"", "phone3"=>"", "relationship_type3"=>"", "relationship_name3"=>"", "phone4"=>"", "relationship_type4"=>"", "relationship_name4"=>""}

phone1, phone2,3,4 should be searcheable.

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