mardi 26 juillet 2016

RoR in Windows not working for pre-existing app built with RoR in linux

I've installed Ruby on Rails using RailsInstaller and also postgresql in Windows 8. I'm trying to run rails server using files for a pre existing app but I'm getting the error 'Worker mode not supported on JRuby or Windows'.

In my config/puma.rb file i've set workers to 0, then get an error about daemon mode not supported on windows. basically each time i change something i get more errors.

I've fixed up environment variables, gems, etc (like in other posts) such as this Cannot install Puma gem on Ruby on Rails. there any hope of running a pre-existing RoR app built in linux on a windows machine?

When I run rails server for the RoR 'blog' example it works fine, so I know that RoR is definitely working in windows!

This is my -'de-identified' config/puma.rb file. Is it because in windows I have no /var/app folder?? I've played around with directories etc to no avail.

#!/usr/bin/env puma

# start puma with:
# RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec puma -C ./config/puma.rb

workers 0
theident = 'nameofthing'
application_path =  '/var/app/'+ theident + ''
railsenv = 'production'
directory application_path
environment railsenv
daemonize false
pidfile "#{application_path}/tmp/pids/puma-#{railsenv}.pid"
state_path "#{application_path}/tmp/pids/puma-#{railsenv}.state"
threads 0, 16
bind "unix:///var/run/puma/" + theident + "_app.sock" `

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