mercredi 27 juillet 2016

the carrousel dont works , it dont show the images

I am using the theme oxygen : ( in my rails project , I am new in rails and front-end and dont know a lot about it. The problem is that the carrousel dont show the image ,it work well about the moves ,but the image dont works. I would like to know the correct way to link the image , the way that the theme makes is:

 <div class="item active" style="background-image: url(images/slider/1.jpg)">
          <div class="caption">
            <h1 class="animated fadeInLeftBig">Esta é a  <span>VôA Studio Tech</span></h1>
            <p class="animated fadeInRightBig"><h3>"Ascenda sua ideias "</h3></p>
            <a data-scroll class="btn btn-start animated fadeInUpBig" href="#services">Start now</a>

I tried to use this way,but did not works too:

 <div class="item active" style="background-image: <%image_tag(1.png)%>">
          <div class="caption">
            <h1 class="animated fadeInLeftBig">Esta é a  <span>VôA Studio Tech</span></h1>
            <p class="animated fadeInRightBig"><h3>"Ascenda sua ideias "</h3></p>
            <a data-scroll class="btn btn-start animated fadeInUpBig" href="#services">Start now</a>

Someone can help me?

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