I'm using this good answer:
in my project:
= form_tag({controller: "users", action: "create"}, remote: true) do
%td= text_field_tag 'user[][first_name]'
%td= text_field_tag 'user[][last_name]'
%td= submit_tag 'Save'
%td= button_tag 'Add new user form', id: 'add_user_form'
%tr.new_user_row.hidden # hidden class matches the css rule: {display:none;}
%td= text_field_tag "user[][first_name]"
%td= text_field_tag "user[][last_name]"
:javascript # jQuery
$('#add_user_form').bind('click', function(e) {
var row = $('tr.new_user_row').clone().removeClass('hidden new_user_row');
$('tr.actions').before(row); # will append the <tr> before the actions
and UsersController:
def create
params[:user].each do |attr|
but when I submit it give me this error:
If I disable Rails 4 strong_parameters
by config.action_controller.permit_all_parameters = true
in config/application.rb it works and save.
How to permit the hash
..., "user"=>[{"first_name"=>"Name", "last_name"=>"Last"}, {"first_name"=>"", "last_name"=>""}],....
in my controller?
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