jeudi 25 février 2016

frames routing in erb rails

Two questions.

Number 1:

This is how I am creating the frames in .erb files.

<frameset rows="170,*" frameborder="0" border="0" framespacing="0">
  <frame name="topNav" src="top_nav.html">

I have couple more frames inside above frameset. If I run this code, I get "No route matches [GET] "/top_nav.html". Question is: Is it really necessary to create/config routes of all the src locations specified in the frame tag?

Number 2:

In my application, I would need to change links in my app very frequently. If I need to consider the routing, I would need to create routes more frequently. Right? How can I avoid consider the routes? Basically, If I add any link in my app, it should work irrespective of fact that whether I have added the routes or not.

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