I have created new page in active admin as details in my new page I want to display the table which is having data from another model(miles), Problem is I want to export all data to csv form? Check the following code I'm facing problem with exporting..
ActiveAdmin.register_page "Details" do
menu false
page_action :csv, method: :get do
# transactions = Transaction.all.page(params[:page]).per(Transaction::ADMIN_PAGE_LIMIT)
@milestones = Milestone.all
@collection = @milestones.select{|a| a.milestone_status == false}
@month_collection = @collection.select{ |a| a.delivery_date.to_date.strftime('%m%Y') == Date.today.strftime('%m%Y') }
transactions = @month_collection
csv = CSV.generate( encoding: 'Windows-1251' ) do |csv|
# add headers
csv << ["admin_user", "project", "client", "milestone_name", "delivery_date", "milestone_payment", "received_amount"]
transactions.each do |transaction|
csv << [ transaction[:admin_user], transaction[:project], transaction[:milestone_name], transaction[:delivery_date], transaction[:milestone_payment], transaction[:received_amount]]
# send file to user
send_data csv.encode('Windows-1251'), type: 'text/csv; charset=windows-1251; header=present', disposition: "attachment; filename=transactions_#{DateTime.now.to_s}.csv" end
action_item do
link_to "Export to CSV", method: :get
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