mercredi 5 septembre 2018

SPree Vinsol SpreeCommerce Marketing config issue

Currently i am using Spree in our Project. and i am using Spree marketing gem

There is no installation issue,gem is sucessfully installed without any error.

but when i see the marketing list in the Admin Panel.

List Page

also in the compaign page when i click on the "Sync" table no comaign will found

no record is there,i created new user ,new order but it still shows blank.

In my opinion i have a problem in my config/spree_marketing.yml file. and

  gibbon_api_key: 'Entered my Mailchimp api key'
  permission_reminder: 'your_permission_reminder'
  email_type_option: true
    from_name: ''
    from_email: ''
    subject: 'test subject'
    language: 'english'
    company: 'marketing'
    address1: '123'
    city: 'city'
    state: 'state'
    zip: '123456'
    country: 'country'

i entered the mailchimp id and user name in the config file>

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