dimanche 30 septembre 2018

How to handle optimistic locking in case of updated_all?

I am trying to implement the Optimistic Locking for Race Condition. For that, I added an extra column lock_version in the Product: Model through migration.

Product: Model's new field:

#  lock_version                       :integer(4)      default(0), not null

Passing lock_version in Product: Model:

 attr_accessible :lock_version

When I try to save! Optimistic Locking is working. Records, updated_at and lock_version are getting an update.

However, in the existing source code, we are using updated_all, which does not update the updated_at and lock_version. So optimistic locking is not working. Please suggest, how to implement optimistic for updated_all

Product.where(:id => self.id).update_all(attributes)
      self.attributes = attributes

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