vendredi 22 juin 2018

Sidekiq Gem with Ruby 1.9.3

Ruby version: 1.9.3

Rails Version: 3.2.22

I have been using delayed_job_active_record gem since 2014 and now the application has to run lots of background jobs so decided to use sidekiq. I was trying to install sidekiq 4.0.0 and 'redis', '~> 3.0', '>= 3.0.6', when i am doing the bundle i am getting this error:

enter image description here

I also have tried some other version but still i am getting this error, also i would like to know which is the compatible version of sidekiq which i can use it with ruby 1.9.3?

Also i would like to know is there any other gem versions do we need to consider like redis....?

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