vendredi 29 juin 2018

Rails not logging unicorn.stderr.log messages to syslog

In my unicorn.rb initialization script I have the following lines:

require "syslog/logger"

Some things come through from this in my syslog file, for example:

Jun 29 12:09:25 server-name unicorn[13451]: Enqueued Searchkick::ReindexV2Job (Job ID: 26c96f2f-6b68-4def-86d4-e101297cd939) to Sidekiq(searchkick) with arguments: "Shopper", "36479"

However, the messages I would typically find in unicorn.stderr.log, for example when there is an error on unicorn startup, do not come through, no matter wether they are INFO or ERRORS.

I have removed the following line: stderr_path "/home/deploy//shared/log/unicorn.stderr.log" Thinking that all the logs from that file would now be sent to the syslogger but that doesn't seem to be the case. It seems they are either being sent to the wrong place or that the log level is somehow misconfigured.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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