mardi 16 août 2016

Bootstrap Accordion Collapse not indexing divs correctly

When trying to index divs so that the accordion buttons will collapse correctly, it's indexing every first contact in each category in my json file as 0 instead of indexing every contact no matter the category consecutively.

Here's my erb file:

<% @contacts.each do |category, hash| %>
<div class="panel-group" id="accordion">
<div class="panel panel-default">
  <div class="panel-heading">
  <h3 class="panel-title"><%= category %></h3>
    <div class="panel-body">
      <ul class="list-group">
        <% hash.each_with_index do |contact, index| %>
        <li class="list-group-item" style="border: none">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-info" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" data-target="#collapse<%= index %>"><%= contact['name'] %><%= index %></button>
          <div id="collapse<%= index %>" class="panel-collapse collapse">
            <%= contact['email'] %></br><%= contact['ext'] %>
      <% end %>
<% end %>

json file: (It's indexing the first name in each group i.e. "Manager, Team Lead" as 0. I want Rob = 0, Terry = 1, Ben = 3, and so on.

      "name": "Rob",
      "email": "Rob@com",
      "ext": "ext:"
  "Team Lead":[
      "name": "Terry",
      "email": "Terry@com",
      "ext": "ext"
  "Unix Admins":[
        "name": "Ben",
        "email": "Benjamin@com",
        "ext": "ext"
        "name": "Prashant",
        "email": "Prashant@com",
        "ext": "ext"
        "name": "Harshil
        "email": "Harshil@com",
        "ext": "ext"
        "name": "Laxmikanth",
        "email": "Laxmikanth@com",
        "ext": "ext"
        "name": "Mary",
        "email": "Mary@com",
        "ext": "ext"
    "On-Call Contact":[
        "name": "SYSTEM ADMIN UNIX",
        "email": "Unix@com",
        "ext": "ext"

.rb file:

get '/contact' do
    contact =
    @contacts = contact.getContacts
    @contacts.each { |s| puts "get /contact found contact #{s.last.first['name']}" }
    erb :contact

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