vendredi 22 avril 2016

Authentication with Yahoo giving a connection Failure Error

I am using openid for social authentication like Yahoo, Flickr and google. Previously it the system was working fine but currently all time i m unable to sign in using yahoo and flickr and all time it is giving me connection_failure error.

in omniauth.rb i have this line

 provider :open_id, :store=>'/var/tmp'),:name => 'yahoo', :identifier =>'

and my link href is look like

 <%= content_tag(:li, link_to(:Yahoo, @user_to_be_registered.blank? ?
 "/auth/yahoo?openid_url=" : "#",:title=> t('.account_link_title', :acc_name=> "Yahoo"),:class=>"popup_auth",  :"data-width" => "500", :"data-height" => "500" )) %>

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