mardi 2 août 2016

How to stop automated script(not necessarily JS) attacks on Rails App?

Recently I have seen attempts from few users on my website who try taking up quizzes with automated scripts, which I can tell by seeing the time difference between the submitted questions. Even the total time taken by users is between 2-3 mins where they are supposed to read, understand and answer 50-60 questions with a maximum time of 2 min for each question. Not only this, the users even start and end multiple quizzes at the same time which is not humanly possible.

How can I prevent such attacks or stop such automated scripts in a Rails App. My app runs on Rails 3.2. I have tried adding gem 'secure_headers', but as my app is huge now, the gem requires lot of code changes in my app, which I feel I should have done from the beginning.

Rails 4 already has protection against atleast xss kind of attacks but is there a solution for Rails 3.x ?

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