mercredi 12 août 2015

Strip/Sanitize/Don't interpolate ERb Tags From a String

I have a rails project in which we need to offer some of our customers the ability create their own page, but allow them to use some of our pre-made partials (.html.erb).

I have been able to securely offer select partials using the liquid gem, however this doesn't prevent a customer from directly using ERb tags when they design their page, as when I run Liquid::Template.parse(raw_html_with_erb).render, the ERb tags still get interpolated.

Example Customer Input:

  <%= render partial: "shared/html_head" %>  // this should get stripped
  {{ page.html_head }}                       // this would stay and be given to liquid
  <h1>H1 tag should stay</h1>
  <p>p tags too</p>
  <%= render partial: "shared/nav" %>        // remove this erb
  {{ page.nav }}                             // also stays and renders with liquid
  <%= secret_stuff %>                        // definitely do not want this to show

Example output:


  {{ page.html_head }}
  <h1>H1 tag should stay</h1>
  <p>p tags too</p>

  {{ page.nav }}


It appears that rails sanitize(html, options = {}) method accomplishes what I'm looking for, but strips more than just erb tags.

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