Hello i have some code in my view template thats a HAML file.
Please refer to last line.
%h2{ style: 'margin: 30px 0 40px;' } Increase your productivity with Trigger.
Pricing is simple:
%strong $8
per employee, per month. -
%strong That's it.
%p This means unlimited Companies, Projects and Clients, + ongoing customer support.
= link_to 'Get Started', new_signup_path, class: 'signup-button'
How do i make a Capybarra test for this?
I did some playing around but cant get it to work. I wrote something along the lines of this.
it 'has the correct links in the page' do
within '.pricing-blurb' do
expect(find_link('Get Started')[:href]).to eql(new_signup_path)
But i know its wrong because my code isn't a :href
Thank you.
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