jeudi 5 mars 2015

Rails 3 : Cannot update join table records with has_many through


class ContactGroup < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :accounts_contact_groups
has_many :accounts, through: :accounts_contact_groups

class AccountsContactGroup < ActiveRecord::Base # Join table
belongs_to :account
belongs_to :contact_group

class Account
# nothing linking to above
# as I do not need a relationship from this direction


> ContactGroup.all
=> [#<ContactGroup id: 7, position: nil, name: "General", fixed: true>]

> AccountsContactGroup.all
=> [#<AccountsContactGroup account_id: nil, contact_group_id: 7, position: 0>,
#<AccountsContactGroup account_id: nil, contact_group_id: 7, position: 1>,
#<AccountsContactGroup account_id: nil, contact_group_id: 7, position: 2>]


All good, as there are no account id's in the join table

> ContactGroup.first.accounts
=> []
> ContactGroup.first.account_ids
=> []

And I have my join records present

> ContactGroup.first.accounts_contact_groups
=> [#<AccountsContactGroup account_id: nil, contact_group_id: 7, position: 0>,
#<AccountsContactGroup account_id: nil, contact_group_id: 7, position: 1>,
#<AccountsContactGroup account_id: nil, contact_group_id: 7, position: 2>]

So why can I not update the join table records?

> acg = ContactGroup.first.accounts_contact_groups.first
=> #<AccountsContactGroup account_id: nil, contact_group_id: 7, position: 0>
> acg.account_id
=> nil
> acg.account_id = 1
=> 1
> acg.account_id
=> 1
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql2::Error: Unknown column 'accounts_contact_groups.' in 'where clause': UPDATE `accounts_contact_groups` SET `account_id` = 1 WHERE `accounts_contact_groups`.`` IS NULL
# or
> acg.update_attribute(:account_id, 1)
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql2::Error: Unknown column 'accounts_contact_groups.' in 'where clause': UPDATE `accounts_contact_groups` SET `account_id` = 1 WHERE `accounts_contact_groups`.`` IS NULL

I can see the error message, there is no field name set to join accounts_contact_groups

UPDATE `accounts_contact_groups`
SET `account_id` = 1
WHERE `accounts_contact_groups`.`` IS NULL

What I don't understand is how to setup the models so that it does set it correctly.

I was following, but either missed or could not find the missing piece of information.

Using rails 3.2.21

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