mardi 24 mars 2015

How to use ActionController::Live along with Resque + Redis (for Chat application)

I am trying to build a chat feature for my rails application. I am using ActionController::Live, Puma, Resque, Redis for this. So basically in this case, redis subscribe method is running in background using resque. So far what i have done is whenever a user enters a text in below form field i.e. chat box

<%= form_tag chat_box_publish_path, method: :get do %>
<%= text_field_tag :query, params[:query], class: "form-control", id: "chatSearchBox",
placeholder: 'Search' %>
<% end %>

..the request is coming to Publish method in ChatBoxController.

def publish
$redis.publish("chat_message:1:1", "#{params[:query]}")
respond_to do |format|
format.js {render nothing: true}
end i have a below background Resque job running with below code for testing purposes. So whenever a chat message is posted, its printing the data which is fine. But how can i add ActionController::Live feature to the background job ? or how do i go about this implementation ? Need help with this design.

class ChatBoxInitiator
@queue = :chat_box_initiator

def self.perform
$redis.subscribe('chat_message:1:1') do |on|
on.message do |event, data|
puts "====#{data}"
return data

and i want to show the Server Sent Events(SSE) along with ActionController::Live for notifications in Users/show page

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