mercredi 21 février 2018

Error with rails and active admin filter, when filter 'in' is empty

how are you? I have a problem with ActiveAdmin, I have a view where I have filterts to search specific records. Like this filters:

filter :has_open_offers_in, as: :select, label: 'Has buyer offers?', collection: ['Yes', 'No'] filter :expiring_tonight_in, as: :select, label: 'Expires tonight?', collection: ['Yes', 'No']

If I filter by has_open_offers_in = 'No' and expiring_tonight_in = 'No', In my database I haven't cases with this filters, then when I filter with this params do a query in postgres with this: ("bid_sales"."id" IN (A LOT OF IDS) AND "bid_sales"."id" IN ()) but postgres throw an error because don't support a IN ()

Postgres error example:

postgres=# select * from customer where customer_id in (); ERROR: syntax error at or near ")"

someone view similar error?

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