mardi 12 septembre 2017

Ruby On Rails Getting SSLError using FCM

Im trying to send a notification to android using Firebase Cloud Messaging i follow the steps, from the site:

However, when i call my controller i always keep getting this error

Started GET "/beneficios/sendNotif?message=Nuevos+beneficios+indexados" for at 2017-09-12 08:49:31 -0600 Processing by BeneficiosController#sendNotif as HTML Parameters: {"message"=>"Nuevos beneficios indexados"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 132ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError (SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed):

someone suggest that i need to install the cacert.pem into my enviromental variables, but even with that i keep getting the same error.

This is the method that i call from my controller

def sendNotif
    require 'fcm'
    fcm ="AAAA-zAzFEs:APA91bGvID9Rm2oZ6NuNvFD7FJISJcRssNQpnCxe8pkK9oeotzjidy5tDojQKgfPvNFVaS-5f04QO6D7mcs82J4_ittEGa9JH0zNv5eJyYfCSHv--JBFNi3FHU3Ykj-NXatr7bfBaGpz")
    @msg1 = params[:message]
    response = fcm.send_to_topic("BeneficiosCLARO", data: {message: @msg1})
    render json: response

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