dimanche 21 mai 2017

I'm getting a undefined method error in Ruby on Rails and I'm not sure why

Basically I have 2 tables called Employees and Sales. I have a form where you input the Employee name and it should show you what phones they have sold. Every time I input the name I get this error

undefined method `sales' for #<Employee:0x007f013e23fdc0>

And it highlights the @sale_list = r.sales part of the code shown below (my controller)

  `class ShowEmployeeSalesController < ApplicationController
   def employeesaleout
    @employee_name = params[:employee_name_in]
    r = Employee.find_by_name_id(@employee_name)
     @sale_list = r.sales

This is my code for the input view:

     `<h2>Please enter the name of the Employee for whom you want to see the 
      sales </h2>

       <%= form_tag(show_employee_sales_employeesaleout_path, :controller => 
      "ShowEmployeeSales", :action => "employeesaleout", :method => "post") 
      do %>

    <div class="field">
      <%= label_tag :Employee_Name %><br />
        <%= text_field_tag :employee_name_in %>

    <div class="actions">
          <%= submit_tag "Submit Employee Name" %>
     <% end %>

` This is my code for output view:

         <center><h1>These are the Sales for <%= @employee_name %> </h1>
        </center><br /> <br />

        <center><table width = 65% border = 1> 
          <tr> <th> Phone Name </th><th> Phone ID </th></tr>   
        <% @sale_list.each do |m| %>     

     <tr> <td> <%= m.Mobile %> </td> <td> <%= m.Employee %> </td></tr>
     <% end %> </table> </center><br /> <br />`

All of my tables have data in them.

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