mercredi 15 février 2017

Can't start rails server. I'm new.

Hi I need help and i cant even post my problem on here as i am not going to add 4 spaces to each line of code. this seems really weird. just imagine if you had over 200 lines of code. would you have to go to each line and add 4 spaces? good god. please tell me how i can post all my code and not have to add 4 spaces to each line.

here is my problem. i posted it on GitHub as i am new and didnt know this existed. so far my coding experience has been frustrating. Please assist me so I can actually learn ruby on rails.

Here is my post

I am following a lynda tutorial and I cant move past the getting ruby on rails set up because of this error.

Thanks to everyone for any help I am really wanted to get this up and running

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