jeudi 15 septembre 2016

Disable first nil option - rails

Wondering if there is a way to disable only the first option in a list of options where the first option's value is nil and there are multiple options with nil values.

For example if we have

[["first", nil], 
["second", "second"]
["third", "third"]
["fourth", nil]])

It generates

<option name="first" value>first</option>
<option name="second" value="second">Second</option>
<option name="third" value="third">Third</option>
<option name="fourth" value>Fourth</option>

and passing in the disabled values will disable all values with nil

[["first", nil], 
["second", "second"]
["third", "third"]
["fourth", nil]] , :disabled=>"")

<option name="first" value disabled>first</option>
<option name="second" value="second">Second</option>
<option name="third" value="third">Third</option>
<option name="fourth" value disabled>Fourth</option>

Anyway I can specify one the first option to be disabled regardless of value? The end goal is to have

<option name="first" value disabled>first</option>
<option name="second" value="second">Second</option>
<option name="third" value="third">Third</option>
<option name="fourth" value>Fourth</option>

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