mercredi 28 octobre 2020

Ng-repeat in angularjs with rails association

I am the beginner in angular js. I'm working on the project in which I have to use ng-repeat. In the backend, I have many to many self relationships(RoR). For example, I am using model A in rails for many to many self relations. Now my question is How should I use ng-repeat to show through table along with the model itself. I have used a single model using ng-repeat=" item in items" but this approach not good in this scenario. Please guide me in this regard thankyou.

(Relation Explanation) Suppose Model A has self-relation (many to many) with itself. I need model A to show some value through Model.something along with the attribute of model A through ng-repeat. We can easily use ng-repeat for i in Model A but i need rails associated object as well.

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