I'm kind of new to rails. I have a model called follows that has to values (requestor and following). I am having trouble creating a button that destroys a select model with two values
<dt>User ID:</dt>
<dd><%= @user.id %></dd>
<dt>User email:</dt>
<dd><%= @user.email %></dd>
<% if Follow.where(:requestor => current_user.id, :following =>@user.id).present? %>
<%= button_to 'Unfollow', follow_url, method: :delete, class: "text-danger", data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %>
<% else %>
<%= button_to "Follow", {:controller => 'follows', :action => 'create', :requestor => current_user.id, :following => @user.id}, {:method => :post} %>
<% end %>
The Follow button below in the else statement works, but I cannot figure out how to get the destroy button to work. I'm executing these buttons on the User show page instead of on the follow index.
def destroy
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to follows_url, notice: 'Follow was successfully destroyed.' }
format.json { head :no_content }
# Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.
def set_follow
@follow = Follow.find(params[:id])
# Only allow a list of trusted parameters through.
def follow_params
params.permit(:requestor, :following)
def require_permission
if Follow.find(params[:id]).user != current_user
redirect_to goals_url, flash: { error: "You do not have permission to do that."}
I keep getting couldn't find Follow with 'id' error. It deletes sometimes, but the majority of the time I get this error.
Routes. uses general format
require 'sidekiq/web'
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources :follows
resources :accounts
resources :goals
resources :retirements
get '/users', to: 'users#index'
get '/user/:id', to: 'users#show', as: 'user'
resources :calculate_debts
get '/privacy', to: 'home#privacy'
get '/terms', to: 'home#terms'
authenticate :user, lambda { |u| u.admin? } do
mount Sidekiq::Web => '/sidekiq'
resources :notifications, only: [:index]
resources :announcements, only: [:index]
devise_for :users, controllers: { omniauth_callbacks: "users/omniauth_callbacks" }
root to: 'home#index'
# For details on the DSL available within this file, see https://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html