samedi 29 septembre 2018

Ruby on Rails 1.9.3 - Through View model is not getting update after adding one extra field to model

I am trying to implement the Optimistic Locking for Race Condition. For that, I added an extra column lock_version in the Product: Model through migration. And passing to through attr_accessible :lock_version. I am able to update model through the rails console, however, through View I am not able to update the model.

Product: Model's new field:

#  lock_version                       :integer(4)      default(0), not null

Passing lock_version in Product: Model:

 attr_accessible :lock_version

Pass it as hidden_field in View/edit:

form.hidden_field :lock_version

Product: Model Controller:

 def update

Inside Product: Model:

  def update_with_conflict_validation(*args)
  rescue ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError
    errors.add :base, "This record changed while you are editing."

I am using Ruby Version

Loading development environment (Rails
irb(main):001:0> RUBY_VERSION
=> "1.9.3"

Please let me know why I am not able to update model through UI/View, however, able to update through rails console.


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