mardi 11 septembre 2018

each_with_index duplicated records

first of all, excuse me if my english is not always very good.

I have a problem with the each_with_index... When I show a project, I display the offers for this project. I have to make appear a banner in third position of offers, so I use each_with_index for that.

The problem is that: if I have sixteen offers on a project, I have sixteen times the entirely list of offers, and I don't know why.

This is my code:

- @offers.each_with_index do |offer, index|
  - if !user_signed_in? && (@project.published? || @project.pending_attribution?)

    - if @offers.size >= 3 && index == 3
      = render 'offer_cta'

  - contact_bloc = user_contact_bloc(offer.user, viewer: current_user, display_contact_info: offer.display_contact_info?)[offer]{ class: offer_class(offer) }
          Offer filed on
          = l(offer.created_at, format: '%d/%m/%Y à %Hh%M')
        - if user_signed_in? && current_user.admin? && !offer.user.suspended_at.nil?
          ... exctera

Also, if I try this in my console, I don't have any problem...

Have you ever had this problem?

Don't hesitate to ask me if you need more information.

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