mardi 26 décembre 2017

Rails - How to add more fields for filter in searchkick?

In rails, I am using searchkick gem for search. When I am adding more fields for where clause then returning zero results.

Actually search is working for below method(User.rb),

searchkick word_start: [:name]

def initialize(name, limit = User::SUGGESTION_LIMIT, page = nil)
  @name = name
  @limit = limit
  @page = page
  @per_page = limit.to_i

query = {
    match: :word_start,
    fields: [{ emails: "exact" }, "name^5"],
    misspellings: { prefix_length: 2 },
    load: false
}, query).records

When I add condition like where: {active: false, inactive: true, deleted_at: nil} it returns no data.

query = {
    match: :word_start,
    where: {active: false, inactive: true, deleted_at: nil},
    fields: [{ emails: "exact"}, "name^5"],
    misspellings: { prefix_length: 2 },
    load: false

Is there any mistake in above where condition? Please help me to solve this issue. I am using this gem for the first time.

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