mardi 12 décembre 2017

Rails form date_field is showing mm/dd/yyyy

Before I input anything into the rails form. The date_field is showing mm/dd/yyyy.

Is their a way for it to show dd/mm/yyyy.

Placeholder doesn't work.

I have looked around for an answer but none of the answers worked.

Thank you.

Here is the form.
  = form_for :agreegated_answer, url: survey_aggregated_answers_path(@survey), method: :post  do |f|
    = f.label :procedures_that_have_tags
    = f.collection_select(:tag_ids, @survey.tags, :name, :name, { selected: [] },
      multiple: true, class: 'js-input-tags border-light', placeholder: 'Select tags')
    = f.label :answered_from
    = f.date_field :start_from
    = f.label :answered_to
    = f.date_field :ends_from
    = f.submit 'Generate results'

enter image description here

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