One of my goal on this web app project is to make each tailor add or create products. So I made a MCV structure from scratch for the Tailor for the sign up page. And then I scaffold the Product since basic CRUD functions will be used by the Tailor to create a product. And then I put them into has_many/belongs_to relationship. I generated a migration which adds a column tailor_id into the Product class. Then I put these nested routes:
resources :tailors do
resources :products
resources :products #this is for debugging for whether a customer can see all the Products created by all the Tailors
then I ran rake routes and checked which path I can use to create a product with a given tailor_id then I decided to use the /tailors/:tailor_id/products/new. So I added a code which is a link in my tailor show page:
<%= link_to 'Add Product', new_tailor_product_path( %>
and the I edited the new and create functions in the products_controller since the path is directed there) like this:
def new
@tailor = Tailor.find(params[:tailor_id])
@product =[@tailor])
def create
@tailor = Tailor.find(params[:tailor_id])
@product =
@product.product_name = params[:product][:product_name]
@product.product_description = params[:product][:product_description]
@product.price = params[:product][:price]
@product.tailor_id = params[:product][@tailor]
redirect_to "/tailors/#{@tailor}"
but the error says Undefined method 'Product' that occurs in the where the @product =[@tailor])
I don't really understand why is this an error because I'm pretty sure I called the class right (It's been taught to us that classes must begin with capital letter and is singular) and it's clear that I'm not calling a method.
Please explain the concept of calling the parent class and its data. Am I not allowed to call the Tailor class and its data inside the product_controller in this case? Is my approach wrong or am I in the right direction?
Also, other Remarks and Error corrections about the other parts of my codes are welcomed
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