I have the following html code:
= city_business_units_select_tag @appointment
= select_tag 'appointment[asset_id]', options_for_select(current_cbu.assets.collect{|asset| [ asset.name, asset.id ] }, @appointment.asset_id), include_blank: true
=f.label :technician_id
=f.select :technician_id, Technician.order(:last_name, :first_name).map {|t| [t.full_name, t.id]}, {selected: @technician_id, prompt: 'Select Technician', include_blank: true}
So basically when the city_business_units_select_tag is changed, i want to hide certain elements on the technician select using jquery. How do I get the variable "technician" for each option object as I loop over it?
$("#appointment_technician_id > option").each(function () {
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