I just overtook a new project and the rake test
produces a lot of gibberish output. Why is that the case? I tried removing all gems I don't know, but still my output is clouded. I am calling the test suite via bundle exec rake test
Sample output - it's pages of this kind of stuff.
/Users/hendricius/.rbenv/versions/2.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/activesupport- warning: File.exists? is a deprecated name,
use File.exist? instead
/Users/hendricius/.rbenv/versions/2.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/activesupport- warning: File.exists? is a deprecated name,
use File.exist? instead
/Users/hendricius/.rbenv/versions/2.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/activesupport- warning: File.exists? is a deprecated name,
use File.exist? instead
/Users/hendricius/.rbenv/versions/2.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/activesupport- warning: File.exists? is a deprecated name,
use File.exist? instead
The ruby version from the .ruby-version
file is 2.2.2
. The installed rails version is
My test gems are:
group :test, :development do
# gem 'rack-mini-profiler'
# gem 'minitest'
gem 'minitest-rails'
gem 'test-unit'
gem 'shoulda'
gem 'shoulda-matchers'
gem 'fabrication'
gem 'byebug'
I then double checked my Rakefile
. It has the following content:
# Add your own tasks in files placed in lib/tasks ending in .rake,
# for example lib/tasks/capistrano.rake, and they will automatically be available to Rake.
require File.expand_path('../config/application', __FILE__)
task default: [:test]
The only other thing I could imagine would be my test_helper
. I pasted the contents below. It looks good.
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__)
require "rails/test_help"
require "minitest/rails"
require "minitest/pride"
require 'shoulda'
require 'shoulda/matchers'
# $VERBOSE=nil
# ActiveRecord::Migration.check_pending!
ActiveSupport::TestCase.test_order = :random
# Protractor test or even some dirty debugging in the rails console on test environment
# might have left some garbage on the DB. Lets make sure we start with a clean state.
# parses the response and returns it.
The only way I can silence the output is if I use RUBYOPT=W0 TEST=test/unit/shop_test.rb be rake test
. Is that the only way since I am using rails 3 still?
I now tried to downgrade to ruby 2.0.0
I still get a lot of strange warnings I have never seen before.
/Users/hendricius/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p648/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/carrierwave-0.10.0/lib/carrierwave/uploader/configuration.rb:89: warning: instance variable @mount_on not in
/Users/hendricius/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p648/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/carrierwave-0.10.0/lib/carrierwave/mount.rb:243: warning: instance variable @previous_model_for_showcase_cov
er_picture not initialized
/Users/hendricius/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p648/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/carrierwave-0.10.0/lib/carrierwave/uploader/configuration.rb:89: warning: instance variable @mount_on not in
/Users/hendricius/.rbenv/versions/2.0.0-p648/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/carrierwave-0.10.0/lib/carrierwave/mount.rb:243: warning: instance variable @previous_model_for_manager_pict
ure not initialized
(eval):11: warning: instance variable @opening_hours_monday_from not initialized
(eval):2: warning: instance variable @opening_hours_monday_to not initialized
(eval):11: warning: instance variable @opening_hours_tuesday_from not initialized
(eval):2: warning: instance variable @opening_hours_tuesday_to not initialized
(eval):11: warning: instance variable @opening_hours_wednesday_from not initialized
(eval):2: warning: instance variable @opening_hours_wednesday_to not initialized
(eval):11: warning: instance variable @opening_hours_thursday_from not initialized
(eval):2: warning: instance variable @opening_hours_thursday_to not initialized
(eval):11: warning: instance variable @opening_hours_friday_from not initialized
(eval):2: warning: instance variable @opening_hours_friday_to not initialized
(eval):11: warning: instance variable @opening_hours_saturday_from not initialized
(eval):2: warning: instance variable @opening_hours_saturday_to not initialized
I ultimately ended up upgrading to rails 4. All the warnings are gone.
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