I've got a Rails app that I deploy using capistrano 3. The app has deployed successfully for over a year now but today after making a few changes to html files the deployment fails with the following message:
no ruby in PATH/CONFIG
DEBUG [a202e059]
DEBUG [a202e059] /home/takebackdemo/.rbenv/versions/2.1.0/bin/ruby /home/takebackdemo/apps/TakeBackDMS_development/shared/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/bin/rake assets:precompile:all RAILS_ENV=developm
ent RAILS_GROUPS=assets
DEBUG [a202e059]
DEBUG [a202e059] rake aborted!
DEBUG [a202e059] Command failed with status (1): [/home/takebackdemo/.rbenv/versions/2.1.0/b...]
DEBUG [a202e059] /home/takebackdemo/apps/TakeBackDMS_development/shared/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/actionpack-3.2.13/lib/sprockets/assets.rake:12:in `ruby_rake_task'
/home/takebackdemo/apps/TakeBackDMS_development/shared/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/actionpack-3.2.13/lib/sprockets/assets.rake:21:in `invoke_or_reboot_rake_task'
/home/takebackdemo/apps/TakeBackDMS_development/shared/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/actionpack-3.2.13/lib/sprockets/assets.rake:29:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
DEBUG [a202e059] Tasks: TOP => assets:precompile
DEBUG [a202e059] (See full trace by running task with --trace)
(Backtrace restricted to imported tasks)
As I said, the only changes I made were to a few html files. When I run ruby -v I get:
ruby 2.1.0p0 (2013-12-25 revision 44422) [x86_64-darwin13.0]
Why would this happen?
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