vendredi 2 septembre 2016

could not get Environment variable in staging server in rails 3 and capistrano 2.15

I am working on rails 3 application . I use capistran 2 for deploying purpose on digital ocean.

Now, I want to store the clients gmail username and password. I do not want to store it into the code as it is sensitive information.

I want to store it to the server environment variable .

so I make env. variable by following command

export NEW_VAR="Testing export"

I checked it by following command and its saved as env. variable

echo $NEW_VAR

Now I want to access it in my rails application at environment folder in staging.rb and production.rb

I try to use the dotenv gem but it gives me difficulty in getting the env. variable as I am using capistrano 2.

Please help me.


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