1st Part: I Have implemented powerpoint gem in rails 3.2 and ruby 1.9.2
I am just trying to download a html.erb file in pptx format
My codes like this:
@filters = generate_filters_for_manual_report(params)
@deck = Powerpoint::Presentation.new
title = 'Bicycle Of the Mind'
subtitle = 'created by Steve Jobs'
@deck.add_intro title, subtitle
send_data @deck, :filename => '/home/sahil/test6.pptx', :disposition => 'inline', :type => "multipart/related"
it is getting saved in local directory as a pptx file. but unbable to downlaod as as pptx file.
the above is for text how Can i implement so that html.erb file for customer details and customer image will be show in pptx slider.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. thanks
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