mercredi 14 octobre 2015

Put pg_try_advisory_xact_lock, inside or outside the WHERE clause (Rails 4/postgresql 9.4)?

in my Ruby on Rails app, I'm using a postgresql query that is very much inspired by :

@chosen_opportunity = Opportunity.find_by_sql(
  " UPDATE \"opportunities\" s
    SET opportunity_available = false
    FROM (
          SELECT \"opportunities\".*
          FROM   \"opportunities\"
          WHERE  ( deal_id = #{}
          AND    opportunity_available = true 
          AND    pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(id) )
          LIMIT  1
          FOR    UPDATE
          ) sub
    WHERE =
    RETURNING   sub.prize_id,"

But here (Postgres pg_try_advisory_lock blocks all records), they say, if I'm not mistaken, that I should not use pg_advisory_lock inside the WHERE clause because I would be calling pg_try_advisory_lock() once per row in the entire set that gets scanned (as part of the filtering that occurs in the where clause).

I just want my query to find and update the first (randomly, with 'LIMIT') row where available= true and update it to available= false, and I need to lock the row while doing this (but without making new requests waiting for the unlock => so I added advisory locks like advice here .

Should I place pg_try_advisory_lock outside the WHERE clause? how to do it?

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