dimanche 17 mai 2015

Is there a workaround for strong parameter hell?

I just inherited a RoR 3.2 app and am trying to get it working on 4.2

I am going to put on my sarcastic hat for a second, just so I can feel better. Instead of having a single line in a single file to protect specific fields from mass-assignment, "Strong" Parameters requires bloating up controllers and heaven help you if a controller uses multiple models or a model is used by multiple controllers or need nested attribute whitelisting. This is the exact opposite of DRY and KISS.

That is better. Okay, so the question is, besides getting rid of mass assignment completely, which is sounding really good right about now, is there a sane way to use it or get around it. From what I understand that gem that brings back attr_accessible won't work in Rails 5 which is where this app is heading.

I understand the Ruby object model and can make a ton of modules that controllers can mixin, but that is just ugly and still error prone.

Any advice or hints would be welcome.

Why is that every new Rails feature involves more boilerplate spread over multiple files? If I wanted Java, I know where to find it. The stupidity of getting rid of the powerful and clean link_to_function in favor of using a tangled mess of callbacks almost made me quit, but adding that function back is trivial. Hopefully when the client wants the inevitable upgrade to Rails 5 I can talk him into something more sane and move things bit by bit to a sane web framework.

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