lundi 4 juillet 2022

How to get retrieve objects in rails console in a has_many through relationship?

so i have users ,airlines and review .An airline has_many :reviews has_many :users,through: :reviews.A user has_many :reviews has_many :airlines,through: :reviews and a review belongs to an airlines and user.A user can experience multiple airlines.I dont understand a way to get all the reviews of a user of travelling by a particular airline.

here is my seed data
singapore_airlines=Airline.create(name: 'Singapore Airlines')


Review.create(image:"", date:, 11, 1),destination:"Singapore to Tokyo",seat:"Business class",description:"If you want comforting long flights always take Singapore airlines",likes:0,dislikes:0,,user_id:

so im aware in the console i can do something like sing=Airline.find(1) and then that will give me all the reviews of singapore airline. i want only the review given by cathy.

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