mardi 15 octobre 2019

Halm ruby on rails : error Encountered a syntax error while rendering template:

I try to execute the following code but I have the error "Encountered a syntax error while rendering template:" and i can't fix it could someone help my ?

Here is my view :

        - if @toss % 2 === 0
            %p the player #{} start the fight !
        - else 
            %p the player #{} start the fight !

        - while @hp_player_one > 0 && @hp_player_two > 0 
            - @hp_player_one -=  @player_two.attack
                %p  There is only #{@hp_player_one.to_s} point to #{}
            - @hp_player_two -=  @player_one.attack
                %p  There is only #{@hp_player_two.to_s} point to #{}
                -if @hp_player_one <= 0 && @hp_player_two > 0
                    %p #{} lost 
                -elsif @hp_player_two <= 0 && @hp_player_one > 0
                    %p #{} lost 
                    %p draw ! 

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