lundi 25 mars 2019

How should I include before do in minitest rails3.2?

What is the syntax for writing before do in minitest ?

I am trying to write a test case using minitest in rails3.2.

In development environment, we are loading this data using some background jobs. so, I have tried to do the same thing in test environment also. Before running my test suite, I have to run the task in background and generate vibrancy data and the same is being used in the test suite for asserting. but, it's throwing undefined method `before' for CommunityVibrancyTest:Class (NoMethodError)

   require 'test_helper'

   Class CommunityVibrancyTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase

     before :each do
       App::Queue.add(CommunityVibrancyWorker, communities(:private_community).id )

     test 'to check whether the vibrancy of a private community is handliing share or not' do

       private_community = communities(:private_community)
       share = shares(:share_for_private_microblog)
       stat = share.object
       post_vibrancy = stat.aggregated_score_mblog.round(1)
       assert_equal post_vibrancy, private_community.community_vibrancies.last.post_vibrancy

test/unit/community_vibrancy_test.rb:24:in <class:CommunityVibrancyTest>': undefined methodbefore' for CommunityVibrancyTest:Class (NoMethodError) from test/unit/community_vibrancy_test.rb:4:in `'

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