lundi 23 juillet 2018

How to get a tag using Nokogiri

Im doing a simple scraper with Ruby using Nokogiri.

  def processNokogiri

    doc = HTTParty.get("")
    @parse_page ||= Nokogiri::HTML(doc)
    @jobs = @parse_page.css(".job").first.at_css "h2"
    puts '*********************'
    puts  @jobs
    puts '*********************'
    flash[:error] = "Noko"


When I print this @jobs, the console shows me:

<a itemprop="title" href="/jobs/the-coral-project-mozilla-infrastructure-integration-engineer">Infrastructure &amp; Integration Engineer</a>
<span class="company">
<span itemprop="hiringOrganization">The Coral Project @ Mozilla</span>

I want to acess this href="/jobs/the-coral-project-mozilla-infrastructure-integration-engineer" and the name of the Company: The Coral Project @ Mozilla

How can I filter the @jobs entity to acess this data?

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