mercredi 16 mai 2018

Divs align into each other

I am using here 2 times: col-md-6 to seperate 2 rows. It works but when I have in the first (col-md-6) more than 2 divs, it will override the other col-md-6. I am using the display: inline-flex on both col-md-6 which is probably the case why it is doing this. But I don't know how to solve it. divs into each each other

I want to have something like this but instead of the buttons under each other, next to each other. buttons under each other

Here is the code how I am doing this it is writting in ruby/haml

        - my_supervisors = current_user.time_keeper_supervisors(@time_keeper)
        - if my_supervisors.count > 1 || my_supervisors.exclude?(@employee)
            = panel('Tijdlijnen mijn medewerkers') do
              - my_supervisors.sort_by(&:last_name).each do |supervisor|
                  %a{href: timelines_time_keeper_employee_path(@time_keeper, supervisor.code)}
                          - if true || can?(:timelines, supervisor)
                            = "Medewerkers #{}"

        - if @employee.subordinates.supervisor.any?
            = panel('Tijdlijnen onderliggende medewerkers') do
              - @employee.subordinates.supervisor.sort_by(&:last_name).each do |supervisor|
                  %a{href: timelines_time_keeper_employee_path(@time_keeper, supervisor.code)}
                          - if true || can?(:timelines, supervisor)
                            = "Medewerkers #{}"

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