dimanche 10 décembre 2017

Why am I getting Template not found

I have the following routes:

create_admin_path   GET     /app/views/createAdmin/create_admin.html.erb(.:format)  application#createAdmin

I have this in routes.rb

 get "/app/views/createAdmin/create_admin.html.erb", to: "application#createAdmin", as: "create_admin"

I have this in the application_controller.rb

  def createAdmin


and in the view I have a folder called createAdmin which has a file called create_admin.html.erb

in the create_admin.html.erb I have something like this:

<h1> testing is here </h1>  

Yet I am receiving this error message:

No route matches [GET] "/app/views/create_admin/create_admin.html.erb"

What am I doing wrong ?

Thanks for your time

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