mardi 14 novembre 2017

how to solve a typo error in rails 4 in the form?

I have a form to create vehicals and define the route corresponding to it, But it consistently gives a typo error, I think I am doing it wrong, please correct following is the code:

<%= form_for @vehical, url_for(:action => :create, :controller => 'vehicals') do |vehical| %>
<%= vehical.label 'house power'%>
  <%= vehical.text_field 'horse_power'%>
      <%= vehical.label 'brand' %>
      <%= vehical.text_field 'brand' %>
      <%= vehical.label 'model' %>
      <%= vehical.text_field 'model' %>

    <%= vehical.submit 'create' %>
<% end %>

routes for it:

 match '/vehicals/create', :to => 'vehicals#create', :as => 'vehicals_create', :via => :post


ActionView::Template::Error (no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer):
    2: <%= form_for @vehical, url_for(:action => :create, :controller => 'vehicals') do |vehical| %>
    3: <div>
    4: <%= vehical.label 'house power'%>
    5:   <%= vehical.text_field 'horse_power'%>

thanks in advance

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