jeudi 15 juin 2023

Gem devise_auth_token: How to utilize the remember_created_at field?

I'm using the gem devise_token_auth for authentication in my Ruby on Rails web application. I noticed that there is a remember_created_at field created as part of the gem's functionality. However, I'm unsure about the purpose or intended use of this remember_created_at field.

I tried making a login request with the following details:

POST http://localhost:3000/auth/sign_in
    "email": "....",
    "password": "...",
    "remember_me": true

But I observed that the remember_created_at field remains unset and has a value of null.

Could someone please clarify the purpose of the remember_created_at field in devise_token_auth and how it should be properly utilized? Am I missing any additional configurations or steps to ensure the value is set correctly when remember_me is set to true?

Thank you in advance for any insights or guidance.

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