Having trouble converting my list of routes in rails 3 to a list of routes in rails 6.
This is an example of my list.
member_routes = {
:validate_update_action => :put,
:rebuild_update_form => :put,
:create_change_request => :post,
:validate_create_change_request_action => :post,
:destroy => :get,
:apply_to_beta => :put,
:update_history => :get
I think the body should be something similar to what i have below but not sure what the exact syntax is.
put 'validate_update_action';
put 'rebuild_update_form';
post 'create_change_request';
post 'validate_create_change_request_action';
get 'destroy';
put 'apply_to_beta';
get 'update_history';
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