jeudi 12 août 2021

No such middleware to insert after: "ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions"

Recently I have migrated an Old Ruby Project (Ruby 2.2.5, Rails to the latest version.

I followed the below steps to do this,

  1. Deleted the GEM.lock File
  2. Removed the version numbers in the GEM file
  3. Reran "bundle install" command.

Now I am unable to run "rake db:migrate" command as it is throwing me the below error.

rake aborted!
No such middleware to insert after: "ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions"

But other projects in my repo ran successfully. I tried the "bundle exec rake db:migrate" command instead of "rake db:migrate" command. But didn't help.

I get the same error when I run

rake middleware

My current versions are Ruby 2.6.7 and Rails 6.1.4

Please help me.

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