lundi 12 avril 2021

Problem with my program with ruby, i don't understand

puts "Quel âge tu as ?"

print ">"

age = gets.chomp.to_i
i = 0

while age > 0 


    puts "Il y a " + age.to_s + " ans" + " tu avais : " + i.to_s + " ans"
    age -= 1
    i += 1 

    break if age = i
    puts "Il y a " + age.to_s + " ans" + " tu avais la moitié de ton âge !"
    age = i

I have a problem with my program on Ruby On Rails. I apologize in advance for my English.

I train on this language by doing an exercise that allows you to enter your age, and to see how old you are in a given year.

But for example. When we reach half our age, for example 20 years old I want to display (in french)

"Ten years ago, you were half your age!"

that I wanted to put thanks to the "break if", but that produces only one line of code. I hope you have understood otherwise do not hesitate to ask for clarification.

Thank you in advance.

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