lundi 25 janvier 2021

Active Directory user creation with LDAP using Ruby on Rails

I am trying to create a new user from the create.controller.rb

 dn = 'cn= Test1 test1111'+ ',ou=Real-Testing,ou=Users,ou=DE,ou=xyz,dc=xyz,dc=intra'

ldap =
ldap.add_user_record(dn, attributes)

the lib/ldap.rb code is as follows as

def add_user_record(dn, attributes)
    @ldap.add( :dn => dn, :attributes => attributes )

However,I am receiving the following error NoMethodError (undefined method `map' for 18400597803079440689678002902069631524796887079072566:Integer Did you mean? tap):

Can anyone help me fix this error?


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