I have a haml file to generate the proposal submit page, the code is like this:
= form.label t('.choose_tags'), { class: 'tags-label' }
= form.hidden_field :tags, { class: 'proposal-tags' }
= submit_proposal_button(proposal)
It generates a proposal submitting page which allowed the user to edit the title and description of their proposal, and the proposal's tag as well. There's a submit button on the bottom to save it.
And I want to add another input box which allowed the user to update their self-introduction as well. So, I simply added it to this file:
= form.label t('.choose_tags'), { class: 'tags-label' }
= form.hidden_field :tags, { class: 'proposal-tags' }
// ----- the following content is what I added.-----
= simple_form_for user, url: person_path(id: user.id), html: {role: 'form'} do |f|
%h4= I18n.t('.your_profile')
= f.input :bio, class: 'form-control', placeholder: I18n.t('.bio'),
input_html: {rows: 7}, maxlength: 1500
// ----- the above content is what I added.-----
= submit_proposal_button(proposal)
After I added it, the submit button couldn't work. Whenever I click on it, nothing happens. I'm a beginner of haml and rails, and I'm confusing about it. Any help is appreciated!
The code of submit_proposal_button is:
def submit_proposal_button (proposal)
capture_haml do
haml_tag :button,
type: 'submit',
name: 'submit',
value: proposal.id,
class: 'btn btn-primary' do
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